1. You can work when you want to even if it's a Sunday.

2. You need not work if you don't want to even if it's the middle of the week.

3. You can chuck work and go out with friends on-demand.

4. You can sleep in the middle of the afternoon when you get tired (I love this point).

5. You can keep munching and eating without colleagues giving those lusty stares at you packet of chips.

6. You can listen to blaring music without people around giving you angry glares.

7. You can bite off a client's head, without worrying that your head will be bitten-off by the boss.

8. Creative freedom (most important).

9. You can take as many breaks as you want without the boss looking at his/her watch.

10. You are rich rich rich since all the profit is for yourself.

I guess everyone should start working for themselves, whether it's freelancing, or starting your own business. I slightly, only so slightly,  miss the hustle-bustle of a regular office, but nothing I can't overcome. :)

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